Grades 9-12 - Social Media & Online Communication


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What are Social Media & Online Communication? Social Media & Online Communication focus on navigating and communicating in digital spaces safely, responsibly, effectively, and respectfully.

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Common Sense Media (Digital Passport) - Multitasking Links to an external site.

In this game, learn that cellphones are powerful, convenient tools for communication and experience a simulation on cellphone multitasking and distraction.

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NetSafe - Posting Pictures Online

Posting a picture on the Internet, or sending a picture message on your phone, can have consequences that you might have never thought about. This short video explains why it's so important to think before you share a picture of yourself.

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GCFGlobal - Email Basics Links to an external site.

In this interactive tutorial, learn how to use common email features and practice proper etiquette.

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GCFGlobal - Beyond Email Links to an external site.

In this interactive tutorial, learn the various ways beyond email of communicating and sharing online.

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GCFGlobal - How to Become a Better Collaborator Links to an external site.

In this brief tutorial, learn how to improve your collaboration and communication skills with others.

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Common Sense Education - Teen Voices: Who Are You on Social Media?

Teens speak about what they see and post on Social Media.


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