Grades 9-12 - Online Safety & Digital Citizenship


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What is Online Safety & Digital Citizenship?

Online Safety & Digital Citizenship teaches kids the fundamentals of digital citizenship and safety so they can explore the online world with confidence.

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DigitalLearn - Online Fraud & Scams Links to an external site.

Get an overview of scams and how to deal with them to help you be safer online.

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DigitalLearn - Internet Privacy Links to an external site.

When we use the Internet, we are constantly sending and receiving information from various websites and individuals. We can take control of who is able to see that information, and how much information they can see. Internet Privacy refers to the level of personal, private information we share.

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GCFGlobal - Internet Safety Links to an external site.

Staying safe online is essential in today's world. Use these Internet safety tips to keep you safe and protected.

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Khan Academy - Internet Safety Course Challenge Links to an external site.

Test your Internet Safety knowledge of the skills in this course. 


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