Lightspeed Web Filtering

Lightspeed Web Filtering

YouTube and other websites are filtered through the District's Web Filtering Software, Lightspeed.  It categorizes videos and websites into different categories. In order for our students to see a video or a website, it must be categorized as educational.  Below are the steps you can take to see if a  video or website you would like to use in your classroom is categorized as educational.

See below for step-by-step instructions or click here for the video guide.

  1. Go to the following website: Links to an external site.

  2. Paste your website  or video URL in  the space provided.

  3. Click "Search."

    Database lookup

  4. The next screen will tell you the category. If your video or website is educational, you will see "education" next to the category. This video or website will not be blocked for students.

    educational result
  5. Sometimes videos and websites will not be categorized as education. In this case, you will need to (5) enter your email address
  6. Type a reason why this should be considered in the education category.
  7. Click submit. Within 24 hours (usually much more quickly) you will receive feedback on whether the category has changed.
    Unknown category
  8. If the category changes to "education" the video or website will not be blocked for students.
  9. If the category DID NOT change, fill out a Zendesk ticket by sending an email to . List the specific URL you want unblocked for your students, state the reason and that you already sent it in through Lightspeed.
  10. Please be sure to follow these steps at least 3 days before you plan to use a video or website in your curriculum. Although it usually works quickly, we cannot unblock a video or website on the spot.


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