Chromebook Case Information



What will the students do with their cases?

Grades 2, 5, 6 and 9 will receive new cases for the 2023-2024 school year. They will be shipped directly to your school.

How you handle the other grades will be a school-based decision. Since many are personalized, each student should keep the same case from year to year.

  • If you had the students leave the case on their Chromebook, then give them the same device in August.  
  • If the student's took their cases with them, they should bring  them back on the first day of school.  If these cases do not return, the school will need to purchase replacements.  Every student is required to have a case on their device.  You can use old cases for students who lose theirs.

You can keep the cases at your school site for extras, or you can submit a SchoolDude for the warehouse to pick them up.

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