Chromebook Distribution Expectations

  • There is no form necessary for parents to sign for a student to receive their Chromebook. The information is contained in Section VII of the Code of Conduct. We have provided some best practices and a letter to parents.  Click the button below.
    Parent Info.png
  • Each student in grades 2-12 should be issued a Chromebook. Students MAY NOT bring their own device to school.
    • Even if a student broke a device last year and has not paid, that obligation has been added to Focus and will follow them through graduation.
    • ALL STUDENTS receive a Chromebook at the beginning of each year.
  • All Chromebooks should be permitted to go home with the student.
  • All Chromebooks must have a case.
  • All Chromebooks and chargers should be labeled with the student's Name, Student ID number, School, and Grade. Instructional technology will provide 2 labels for each student on or before August 3, 2023.
    Please see Chromebook Labeling Procedures for further instructions.
    Labeling Procedures.png
  • All Chromebooks must be checked out in DART. NO EXCEPTIONS. If you need instructions on checking out a device, click the button below:
    DART Assign Student Device.png
  • Chromebooks should be distributed during the first weeks of school. Each student should have a Chromebook assigned no later than Friday, August 18, 2023.



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