
Math Resources.png

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*Any program requiring an account, the parent is responsible for making that account. Accounts will not be created by SDIRC employees.*

Link Description Grade Levels



Explore Learning Links to an external site.

Practice for fact fluency.

K - 5 

Illuminations icon.png Illuminations Links to an external site. Illuminations provides access to quality standards-based interactive tools for students, including interactive lessons, virtual manipulatives, and games. PreK - 12


Legends of Learning Links to an external site.

Curriculum aligned math and science games. 

K - 8 

Virtual Nerd Icon.png Virtual Nerd Links to an external site. Virtual Nerd is a free site that contains over 1,500 video lessons covering Middle Grades Math though Algebra 2. 6-12
desmos icon.png Desmos Links to an external site. Desmos allows students to graph functions, plot data, evaluate equations, explore transformations, and much more – for free. 6-12


Boom Cards Links to an external site.

Digital interactive task cards called decks that give instant feedback. 

K - 8 


Study Jams Links to an external site.

Study Jams provides interactive activities on many different math topics, including videos, songs, step-by-step tutorials, quizzes, and more.  


coolmath 4 kids.png CoolMath 4Kids Links to an external site. Coolmath4Kids is an amusement park of games, lessons and more, designed to teach math and make it FUN.


After School Use Only

Prodigy Math button.png Prodigy
Links to an external site.
Prodigy is free, standards-based, curriculum-aligned math practice disguised as a fun and engaging fantasy video game. 


After School Use Only

IXL.png IXL Links to an external site. IXL offers comprehensive, standards-aligned, adaptive math practice problems. Although it is a subscription based site, it offers 10 free practice problems each day.

PreK - 12

After School Use Only


99 Math Links to an external site. Fact fluency practice. 

K - 8

After School Use Only

khanacademy.png Khan
Links to an external site.
Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empowers learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. This link will take you directly to the math section.


After School Use Only


Math Playground Links to an external site. 

A website with a wide variety of games and resources that develop fundamental math skills for students. 

K - 6 

After School Use Only

coolmath icon 2.png Coolmath Links to an external site. offers "math for ages 13-100" -- explanations that are easy to grasp on topics like algebra, pre-calculus and more.


After School Use Only