Chromebook - Opening a File in Office 365
Chromebooks do not have the desktop version of Microsoft Office, so in order to use Office, you must use the online version of Office 365. If you need to download a file from Canvas, this guide will instruct you how to get the document from Canvas to Office 365. Watch this video, and see the written steps below.
1) Click the file you would like to download.
2) The file will show in the downloads in the bottom right corner of the screen. DO NOT click on the file there.
3) After the file has been downloaded, go to ClassLink and open Office 365.
4) On your Office 365 Home Page, click Upload.
5) Your files folder will open. Your downloaded file should be the most recent one on the top. Click on that file.
a.. If you don’t see the file, click Downloads and it will show up.
6) Click Open.
7) Your file will then open in the proper Office 365 program. This is a Word file, so it opens in Word. However, your Excel files will open in Excel, PowerPoint in PowerPoint, etc. If you would like to rename your file, you can do that here.
8) When you need to go back to edit your file, you will go to ClassLink, then
(a) Office 365 (b) OneDrive (c) Find your file |