ViewSonic - Panel Onboarding Guide
Follow the steps below to onboard a ViewSonic Panel.
1. Power the Panel On. There is a master power switch underneath the panel by the power cord, make sure this is powered on. Then press the power button on the front of the panel.
2. Click the Next Arrow confirming the language as English.
3. Click the Next button again.
4. Click the Next button again.
5. Click the Next button again.
6. Select Performance on the Power Saving Plan. You will need to confirm that you want to make this choice. Then click Next. *If you don't you will have tickets from teachers that their panel is shutting off by itself.*
7. Click Accept for the Privacy and Copyright Protection, then click Next.
8. Click the drop down arrow and then select Settings.
9. Click on Wi-Fi.
10. Turn the Wi-Fi on and then select SDIRC_DPSK.
11. Enter in the Wi-Fi password. This password is specific for the ViewSonic Devices. If you enter in the password and the device does not connect, please contact Erika Fischer. She will request for the device limit to be upped on the network.
Click here for the password. Links to an external site.
12. Go back into the Settings and click System. Once you click System, click on System Update.
13. Check for updates to the software of the panel. You may need to update the software and update the device to Android 11. If both need to be updated, please update the software FIRST then update to Android 11. This step may take a while for the updates to download and then install. **VERY IMPORTANT** When the panel is updating DO NOT LET IT SHUT DOWN OR SHUT IT DOWN. The device MUST remain powered on during this process. Even if this process is still downloading and you need to leave, the panel will be fine if it stays on over night.
14. If there are no updates, click the Home button.
15. Click the drop-down arrow and then click on the Manager Icon.
16. On your phone, open the Companion App and click the QR Code Icon. *If it has been a while since you have opened this app, you will need to sign into your district Microsoft account first. You should be able to download the Companion App on your district phone.
17. Scan the QR code on the panel with your phone. On your phone, you will enter in the name of the panel. Please follow this naming convention: SchoolCode_Room#_TeacherLastName. Here is an example: VBHS_8145_Sommers. If there is a building number, place it before the room number without any dashes or underscores.
18. Click on the Whiteboard App on the Home Screen.
19. Click on the Cogwheel for the Settings in the upper right-hand corner of the app. Click on the Information icon and click "Enroll Software Instance under Entity." Then scan the QR Code with your Companion App. You will need to verify the panel name for the instance then, click submit on your phone.
20. Click the Cogwheel and Information icon again. Now click "Update" to update the Whiteboard Software on the panel itself. Follow the prompts to install the Updated Whiteboard Software.
The panel has now been onboarded!! To ensure it has the right profile, send an email or AV ticket to Erika to place the profile on the panel. The profile will have a background with the school logo and it will have a start up and shut down schedule for the panel to follow.