Remind Setting Office Hours

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Learn how to set your office hours by watching the SPARKies video or following the written instructions below.



Setting Office Hours in Remind

1. Log in to Remind through the app in ClassLink. 

2. In the upper left hand corner, click the drop down arrow next to your name and click on account settings. 



3. Click on Notification Preferences. 



4. Scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and click "Turn on Office Hours."



5. Select your office days and hours. 



Remind will auto save your choices for you. If you would like to go back and turn off your office hours click the "Turn Off Office Hours" at the bottom of the page. 

If a parent or student attempts to contact you outside of your office hours, they will receive a notification that they are attempting to contact you outside of your office hours. They will also be notified that you will receive the message when you return "to the office" (the next time your office hours is scheduled in Remind). 

Have additional questions about setting your office hours in remind? Contact your Digital Integration Specialist! 


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