PBIS Rewards: Toggle Feature
One great feature of PBIS Rewards is their Toggle feature. This is great if you have a student or students from your group that are absent when you are awarding group points. You have the ability to mark them absent before you select all students and award points.
Follow the steps below to toggle your students between present and absent.
1. In the Global Navigation Bar, select "Groups".
2. Select the group you need.
3. Select the students that are absent for that day or class period.
4. Click the Toggle button on your screen, this will mark the students as "not present" and gray out their icon on your screen.
5. Click the "Select All Students" button, then click which points you would like to reward to your group. Then click the "Reward" button. This will award the points only to the students who are present in the group.
6. To "Un-Toggle" students who have been marked 'not present'. You will select those students.
7. Click the "Toggle" button.
8. The students will now be marked present again and able to receive group points.