
Lumio Banner.png 

NOTE The resources identified below are designated for use as a tool or digital strategy. Curriculum content and prefabricated lessons embedded and available in these resources 
are not considered District-approved curriculum and 
require approval from your principal prior to use during instruction.

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Lumio Links to an external site., formerly SMART Learning Suite Online, is a digital learning tool for transforming lessons into active, collaborative learning experiences that engage students on their own devices. Transform lessons in seconds, then deliver them to student devices in a browser via a code or Microsoft Teams.
You can even combine different file types into a single Lumio lesson! SMART Board NOT REQUIRED!!!
  • Create games in under 5 minutes
  • Instant brainstorming and discussion tools
  • Play together and against classmates
  • Quizzes and polls
  • Ready-made activities
  • Collaborate as a class or in groups
  • Combine teaching resources

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Click here Links to an external site. for a training presenation.

Click here Links to an external site. for some how-to videos

Click here for an SDIRC Training Session.


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