Each student will be assigned a device and you will use that device for the entire school year. This is YOUR device for the year and you are responsible for it, so take good care of it. The cases are Mandatory

Your device is checked out to YOU. Do not share your device or "trade" with other students. Make sure you are always using YOUR device and do not leave it unattended.

You will bring your device to class each day, fully charged in the morning. You will also bring your charger in case it needs to be charged throughout the day.

Students will always carry the device with both hands, walking carefully.

Do not remove any ID labels or place any stickers or markings on the laptop devices.

Do not place anything heavy on the devices and never pick it up by its screen.

Do not touch the device with sharp or pointed objects (like your pencil). Pencils can leave marks on or poke a hole in the screen and damage the keyboard.

Always keep food and drinks away from the device.

Always use the device on a flat surface...if it falls, it may break!

Always sign out of your device when you are not using it. Never share your password with ANYONE.

All use of your device must be educational. The District can see EVERYTHING you do on your device, including the websites you access, email you send, and files you share.

To avoid viruses, do not click on any questionable websites or open an email from a person you don't know, especially any attachments.

Do not use your district device to participate in cyberbullying in any form.

Purposely bypassing the District's security features will result in disciplinary action and possible loss of computer privileges.

Any questions?
