LANSCHOOL air - Overview
- LanSchool Air lets teachers connect with students using devices both in the classroom and remotely (at home). Classes are automatically set up for you by the classes you are scheduled teach in Focus. When classes have to combine because of teacher/substitute shortages, you can add them to your own created LanSchool Air class. This is great for after-school programs, pull out programs, and resource teachers monitoring testing. Reach out to your Digital Integration Specialist for help.
This video introduces teachers to the all the features of LanSchool Air:
Accept LanSchool Air Invitation and Create Account.
- Click above for directions on how to create your LanSchool Air account. (If your link has expired, put in a Zendesk help ticket to have the activation resent to you.)
LanSchool Air Quickstart Guide.pdf Download LanSchool Air Quickstart Guide.pdf