LANSCHOOL air - Messaging
- Simplify classroom communication, increase engagement and shift focus with the messaging and chat features in LanSchool Air. After starting a class, instructors can receive students’ questions and chat one-on-one, or send a message out to the entire class.
For a quick, 1-minute video demonstration of using the Messaging features of LanSchool Air, check out the video link below:
Click on the headings below for step-by-step visual directions.
- Instructors can send a classroom-wide message that will appear on all student devices in the class. Student will have the option of replying to the message. Those replies will be directed back to the instructor as private messages.
Messaging an Individual Student
- Instructors can message an individual student directly by opening the messaging sidebar and select the student's name from the drop-down list. Students must be in the class and online in order to receive the message.
- Students can initiate a messaging session from their computers, either by starting a regular messaging session or by raising a hand.
- Teachers can prevent students from messaging them. Chat can be disabled for an entire class or just for individual students.
- Save an individual student messaging session to a text file and view the chat log,
- Turn off chat notification sounds.