Importing ALL CONTENT from Another Canvas Course
To copy an ENTIRE CANVAS COURSE into another Canvas course, please follow these instructions.
- Click on the Canvas course into which you want to IMPORT (the new or current course)
- Click Settings
- Click Import Course Content
- In the first drop-down menu, choose Copy a Canvas Course
- Begin typing the name of the Canvas Course you want to import (either a Sandbox course or a course from a previous year)
- Once you see your course - click on it
- Select All Content
- Options
- You may choose "Import existing quizzes as New Quizzes". This is a good idea because Classic Quizzes will be removed from Canvas in 2024.
- You may choose to "Adjust events and due dates". If you do not check this option, your new course will have all the due dates from the previous year and you will have to manually go in and change them.
- If you did not check "Adjust events and due dates", then you will not see the section marked C.
- If you did choose to adjust the dates, then you can choose to shift the dates or remove them all together by choosing "Remove dates".
- Click Import
You will see this once you click Import. When it shows complete, your course is ready to edit.
Note: you will need to go to 'View All Pages" and change your Home Page. The template home page will stick even after you import your own content.