GoGuardian - Combining Classes
OPEN Focus
1) Click on My Information
2) Click Print Class Lists
3) Scroll down and expand the arrow next to Classified
4) Click the green plus on Student Email Addresses. This will move the Student Email addresses to "Fields to include in Report:" on the right.
5) On the right next to Format, click the arrow
6) Choose CSV
7) Click Download Class Lists
An Excel Spreadsheet will save to your Downloads file. Go to your Downloads and open the file named class_list.
8) Delete all columns EXCEPT Class and Student Email Address.
9) Within your downloads folder, make a separate copy of the file for each class you would like to upload, named Period 1, Period 2, etc.
10) In your Period 1 class, delete all students NOT in period 1.
10a) Delete the first column and the first row, so that the only column is the email addresses WITHOUT a header row.
10b) Repeat these steps for all classes.
10c) Save each file separately as a .csv file.
OPEN GoGuardian
A) Create a new class in GoGuardian. Click here for instructions
Links to an external site..
B) Click Upload CSV
C) Click Click or drag file to upload
D) Choose file from your downloads folder.
E) Click Open
F) You will see how many emails were uploaded. Click Import Students to bring them into the class.
Your first class is now set up. Repeat steps A-F for all remaining classes.