How can I see my child's grades? Parents can create one parent account on Focus to see all of their children's grades. There is also an app available for your phone. Please click here for directions on how to create an account. |
We don't have Microsoft Office on our home computer. How can we get it? Each student may download 5 copies of Microsoft Office 2016 for both PC and Mac with his/her school board Office 365 account. Please click here for directions on how to download Microsoft Office. |
How can I see what my child is doing in his/her digital classroom? You can create an Observer account in Canvas. With this account, you can view and read announcements, view the syllabus, view the calendar, view and read discussions, view grades, view assignment due dates and comments, view modules, and view the quizzes index page. Observers cannot comment on announcements or discussions, submit any assignments or quizzes, or see any other students in the course. Click here for directions on how to become an Observer in your child's Canvas courses. |
Can my child use i-Ready on an iPad? Yes. Students can use i-Ready on iPads. However, you must download the iReady app, then use Safari to go through ClassLink. If you try to use ONLY the app, it will not work. Click here for directions. |
Which web browser should my child use? The apps we use within the School District of Indian River County work best with Google Chrome. |
My child took the STAR Assessment. What do the scores mean? Please click here to see the Parent's Guide to STAR Assessments. It will explain your child's results on the STAR Assessment. |
My child needs some extra practice. What are some websites he/she can work on at home? Please click here for our Student Resources. This is a collection of different websites categorized by subject and grade level. |