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NOTE The resources identified below are designated for use as a tool or digital strategy. Curriculum content and prefabricated lessons embedded and available in these resources 
are not considered District-approved curriculum and 
require approval from your principal prior to use during instruction.

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EDpuzzle is a FREE resource that allows you to take any video from YouTube, Khan Academy, Learn Zillion, etc. make it perfect for your classroom and more engaging for your students. Make any video a true lesson by making it to the point, personal and effective, plus get all the data about your students so you know if they truly understand the lesson. 
  • Crop the video, use only what you need for your lesson.
  • Add quizzes along the video and check if your students truly understand the lesson.
  • Record your voice on top of it to explain it in your own personal way, add clarifications, a warm introduction, you name it.
  • Please note that YouTube videos will still be blocked for SDIRC students, so you must convert the videos to an MP4 before adding your questions, voice-over, etc.

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Since YouTube videos are blocked for students, it is necessary to convert YouTube videos to MP4 videos. Click here to learn how to use ClipConverter to convert YouTube videos to MP4 videos.

Click here Links to an external site. to read an article on how to use EDpuzzle in your classroom.

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