Creating ClassLink Quick Cards (K-1)
To Create Quick Cards for your students, follow the steps listed below.
1. When you log into Classlink, you will click on the Class QuickCard App.
2. Once you open the app, you will see a list of your classes. Click on the QuickCard button under "Action" for your Conduct Class.
3. Click Print
***NOTE*** DO NOT click Generate Quick Card. If you click this, it will change the codes that have already printed.
4. Choose your correct printer and click Print.
What happens if a student loses their card or their card is damaged?
If a student happens to lose their QuickCard or it gets damaged, you are able to regenerate and reprint just their card.
You will follow steps 1 and 2 from above but then skip down to steps 5 and 6.
5. Scroll to the student you need to create a replacement card for. then click the green regenerate button. *If you do this you MUST print a new Quick Card. If you do not, the old Quick Card WILL NOT work.*
6. After you have regenerated their code, you will click the yellow print button. This will print, this student's specific card.