ClassLink Folders

In an effort to help streamline the various applications in ClassLink, seven folders have been created to help organize applications into their different categories.

District, STEAM, Textbooks & Curriculum, Assessment, Library Resources, Student Services, and IR Virtual School.

These folders can't be changed and the apps are locked inside.


You can still manually add apps, create apps, and create folders.  Only district pushed applications will be managed in folders.

If you can't find a specifc app, use the search function in the upper right corner.

1)  In the search bar, type the name of the app you are trying to find.

a) Note that it will show you the folder in which the app is stored.

2)  Click on the app in the pull down menu.

Search bar-1.png


If you have an app that you use all the time and you would like it permanently on your dashboard, you can make it a Favorite and it will show up in the tray at the bottom of ClassLink.

1)  Single-click the folder in which the app is located.

2)  Right-click on the app.

3)  Click Add to Favorites.


4)  The app will now remain in the bottom tray of your ClassLink Dashboard.

**NOTE** It will also remain in the folder.


Click below to watch a video on how to create Favorites.