Casting from my Laptop to the Panel

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One option for connecting your laptop to the ViewSonic panel is Casting. It wirelessly connects your computer screen to the panel and functions as your projector did, with the added function of being interactive. Watch the video below to see how to cast your laptop to the ViewSonic Panel. 



Below are written instructions on how you would cast your teacher laptop to the ViewSonic Panel. 

1. On the Panel, click on the vCastReceiver app to open it. 

casting 1.png


2. On your laptop, open the vCastSender Program.

casting 3.png


3. On the Panel, you will see a 6-digit code, type this code into the vCastSender on your laptop. Then click Okay.

casting 2.png        casting 4.png


4. Click on the Cast button. This will connect your laptop to the panel. 

casting 5.png