2020 Secondary Grade Instructions

2020 End of Year Secondary Grades Instruction

Semester 2 grades are due by 4pm on May 28th.  We need to verify posted grades so that we can publish report cards at 4pm on May 29th.

The grade posting window does not open until Friday, May 22nd

Things to keep in mind:

  • 4th quarter grades include assignments between March 14th and May 24th.  All assignment due dates must be within that window.   
  • You cannot have any ungraded assignments in your gradebook.  Please be sure that there is either a grade or an assignment code.
  • If you make changes to your gradebook, you must go back to the Post Final Grades screen and select “Use Gradebook Grades” after each change.  Do not use IN on the Post Final Grades screen unless approved by administration.
  • Please consult with your school’s administration regarding students with Failing grades or No grades for Q4.
    • The Semester 1 and Semester 2 exam tabs have been removed
    • EOC courses, your Semester 1 grades have already been calculated and posted
    • EOC courses, you will calculate the Semester 2 grade based on Q3 and Q4

4th Quarter Grade Instructions

  1. Click on Grades>Post Final Grades (the “Quarter 4” tab should open)
  2. Click “Use Gradebook Grades”
  3. Click “Ok” to use your gradebook grades
  4. Verify the grades from the gradebook
  5. Enter Comment and Conduct Codes for Q4, NOT Semester 2.  These boxes are not meant for free text.  Please use the Comment Codes under Letter Grades & Comment Codes
  6. Click “Save” when you are done

Semester 2 Grade Instructions

  1. Go to Grades > Post Final Grades
  2. Click on Semester 2
  3. Click on “Use Weighted Average of Quarters and Final Exam Grades”
  4. Verify your grades. Remember, you should not have any + grades in your S2 Grade columns
  5. Click Save