Quizlet Live

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NOTE The resources identified below are designated for use as a tool or digital strategy. Curriculum content and prefabricated lessons embedded and available in these resources 
are not considered District-approved curriculum and 
require approval from your principal prior to use during instruction.

What is it.png Purpose (1).png

Quizlet Live Links to an external site. is an in-class, team-based learning game. Students work together to correctly match a Quizlet set's terms and definitions. The first team to match 12 in a row wins!

  • Actively engage students in learning
  • Collaborate in teams 
  • Enhance communication
  • Reinforce vocabulary
  • Encourages accuracy over speed
Video (1).png Cheat Sheet.png
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Click here Links to an external site. to see a class actively engaged in a Quizlet Live game.

Click here Links to an external site. for an article comparing the best uses for Quizizz, Quizlet Live, and Kahoot.

Click here Links to an external site. for an article about how to use Quizlet Live with remote learning.

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