What is technology integration?



Technology integration is the incorporation of technology resources and technology-based practices into the daily routines, work, and management of schools. Technology resources are computers and specialized software, network-based communication systems, and other equipment and infrastructure. Practices include collaborative work and communication, Internet-based research, remote access to instrumentation, network-based transmission and retrieval of data, and other methods. This definition is not in itself sufficient to describe successful integration: it is important that integration be routine, seamless, and both efficient and effective in supporting school goals and purposes.



In this section, you will:

    • Read information from the Institute of Education Sciences.  In this reading, you will look at the definition of technology integration and what steps the teacher can begin to take once the devices enter the classroom.
    • Watch videos of integrated classrooms. This provides a general introduction to what technology integration looks like.
    • Each participant will learn more about the Technology Integration Matrix.



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Professional Development
Instructional Technology Department, School District of Indian River County