



Kidblog Links to an external site. is relatively new to the student blogosphere arena, but its popularity knows no bounds right now. Based on a simplified Wordpress interface, Kidblog is about as user-friendly as you are likely to find. Blogs are private by default so that they can only be read by the teacher and other class mates. This makes it a great first-time tool for experimenting with the power of blogging without the need or worry about being public on the web. Teachers have full administrative controls over all blogs that are created by students, and passwords can be issued so that parents or other family members can view individual student blogs.

Ms. Wall's Intro Blog Post (public viewing) Links to an external site.

2016-04-05 08_52_00-Welcome to our class blog by Kerri Wall - Kidblog.png


Sample Blog Post Entry for Students (public viewing) Links to an external site.

2016-04-05 08_52_29-Sample Entry_ Response to _How diamonds fuel Africa's conflicts_ by Kerri Wall -.png

Sample Class Blog (public viewing) Links to an external site.

2016-04-05 08_52_15-Jing.png


Download Kerri Wall's "How To Create a KidBlog Account"

Download How to Write a Reader Response.docx


Download BloggingintheClassroomStartupGuide.pdf

Complete KidBlog Lesson for purchase on TPT $3 Links to an external site.

2016-03-30 10_43_52-Blog Lesson Kidblog by Gavin Middleton _ Teachers Pay Teachers.png




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Professional Development
Instructional Technology Department, School District of Indian River County