Vogelicious Training Notes 10/23
- Back channel - for kids that don't talk in class or share out, they can type in answers and ask questions online
- Students prompted to enter nickname - tip for class management - specify what nickname really means - Sometimes it's okay for them to be obnoxious and have fun, but sometimes we need to be serious.
- Set up a room - free account
- "Keep Room Open" for one year for students to use to help each other
- Create meets for topics/discussions
- Speed Grader
- Akin to Turnitin but without plagiarism checker.
- Formative assessment tool
- goformative.com
- Live results
- Can take any assignment as a word, pdf, etc… insert into formative and make it interactive
- Can insert videos - remember You Tube
- You Tube MP4 - download the actual video and then insert - not streaming anymore
- Interact with content - touch the screen and add what type and then you specify what you want students to be able to do.
- com
- Current Events - Informational Text
- Can change the lexile level - just click side bar - same article differentiates the article for different reading levels
- Most of them have a quiz with the article (lightbulb icon)
- Articles can be downloaded as a PDF and uploaded into CANVAS
- Text sets to compare and contrast and as a set to mirror FSA assessment
- Similar to formative except that it has a library of content standards based on Common Core standards
- Math Friends - lots of types questions
- Video segmented to answer questions along certain points along the video
- Free option but you can only have two ready to go - Called Tours - in the free version
- Integrates with Canvas somehow - but have to pay for the yearly subscription
- Will embed into the Canvas Page
- Will have a 6 month trial pro membership to test
- Searches You Tube, Vimeo, PBS, Nat Geo, etc…
- Can have more than one video in a tour and can clip and adjust videos in the tour
- Make images interactive
- Math - touch on visuals - embed and attach more information on each key feature
- Classes and student grading hasn't worked well, students create an account but don't link it to a teacher class or account to create projects
- Kids can create a thinglink themselves
- Add tags to images with urls or typed text or both
- Can be shared via links or embeded
- Also has a gallery of created thinglinks that have been created by other teachers that you can search - Pretty new resource so there isn't a lot of searchable data.
- Search by file type in search bar
- TOPIC filetype:doc
- Can do with xls, pdf, ppt
- Idea - have students search and find one and fix it - change graphics, correct errors, embellish, etc…
- Google can't read - don't type in questions, be specific
- Blackle - Energy efficient
- Custom search engine can be built for students to send them to search specific websites instead of searching google
- Enter allowed sited, name the engine, hit create and get the url or code to put on website
- Free with Office 365 account
- Presentation tool option as PPT or Prezi
- Can turn a PPT into a Sway
- Searchable within program - sharable via link not as a file so it is updated as edited
Weebly - free website creater - drag and drop
- Tap inappropriate name and it goes away, student must reenter pin and name
- Uses color and shapes for the color blind
- Good bellwork so kids get to class on time
- Points awarded on timing the faster the answer, the more points or kahoots you get
- Students give feedback
- Prepublished Kahoots available
- Made one for the Laptop Rules - in DTR
- Download results - make kids use their name if going to look at results
- each question results downloaded into an excel file
- Not used as a grade - not fair for slower readers, etc…
- Good for down time or for after a test or quiz and can do a serious Kahoot and then do a fun one
- More serious than kahoot
- Can be used or a grade
- Create a classroom
- Different assessments
- Quick question poll when kids glazed over - can insert images with graphs
- APP on phone and on their tablets
- Reports from kids - detailed report for each item
- Good exit tickets or attention getter
- Don't have Socrative APP - get from Felix and check my tablets