Techie Tuesday 2022 - GoGuardian Basics

GoGuardian is our new monitoring tool that will replace LanSchool.

You have 2 options for completing this training. Either one you choose, you will need to set up your account with GoGuardian.

  1. Navigate to Links to an external site..
  2. Scroll to the bottom and choose "Forgot your password?"
  3. Enter your school email address.
  4. You will be sent an email to setup a password, which can then be used to access GoGuardian Teacher

GoGuardian Training Options

1)  Webinar - GoGuardian offers Webinars every Thursday at 3:00 pm and Friday at 9:00 am. 

Webinar Summary - GoGuardian will show you how you can foster effective learning experiences and student connections with GoGuardian Teacher. In this session, you’ll observe:

  • creating and starting Classes
  • taking commands
  • setting Classroom Scenes

Click here to go to the Webinar page. Be sure to choose GoGuardian Teacher.


2) GoGuardian Teacher Training Course - Get started with this course for GoGuardian Teacher using interactive content pages. When you finish, download a copy of the training certificate.


Fill out the form below to receive your your PD Points.
⭐⭐Don't forget to upload your completion certificate for #5!⭐⭐


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