Techie Tuesday 2022

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From the Tic-Tac-Toe board below, choose training sessions that excite you and make you want to learn more!

For each session you complete (including the form at the end), you will receive 2 hours of Professional Development Credit.

When you complete 3 sessions (not necessarily in a row), you will be entered into a drawing to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card.

The drawing will be held on August 5, 2022.


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GoGuardian Basics

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EdTech Essentials: Collaborate with Lumio

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How to Integrate Technology
Into Your Rube Goldberg Machine

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Create and Collaborate with Canva 

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Canvas New Quizzes:
Basics and Benefits

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Canvas Tips and Tricks


ViewSonic - myViewBoard Graduate


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The Next Step with Flipgrid

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Digital Storytelling with Microsoft Sway

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For these Training Opportunities, complete the full training course then click here to complete the form for credit.

PD Hours Pathway Training Opportunities
11 Hours

Minecraft: Education Edition: Teacher Academy

This learning path is comprised of three sections and eleven modules which focus on the use of Minecraft: Education Edition as a teaching and learning tool designed to support strong pedagogical practices in the learning environment. The modules are divided into three sections intended for beginner, intermediate, and advanced users. At the end of this learning path, you will become a Minecraft Certified Teacher and receive the badge.

5 Hours

OneNote Teacher Academy

In this learning path, you'll learn to navigate the OneNote app structure and use OneNote tools to effectively create lesson plans, assessments, and learning activities. With OneNote Class Notebooks create notebooks for student and educator collaboration. Staff member collaboration is facilitated with OneNote Staff Notebook.

6 Hours

Canvas - K12 First Day Ready

Discover how to be K12 First Day Ready by understanding all the essential features of Canvas.

At Least
2 Hours

Microsoft Innovative Educator

Become a Microsoft Innovative Educator! MIEs use Microsoft tools in the classroom and have learned the fundamentals of some of these tools. This is the first step on a journey of joining a professional learning network of enthusiastic educators who come together to learn, share, and grow. Requirements:

  • Create a Microsoft Learn profile
  • Complete 2 educator professional development modules (**NOTE** Flipgrid and Sway in the Tic-Tac-Toe board count towards this!)
  • If you choose to do more than 2 hours of Microsoft Courses - click here to earn the credit.

If you choose to complete any of the modules in the Microsoft Learn Educator Center, you may complete this form for PD credit.