Grades K-2 - Computer Fundamentals



What is Computer Fundamentals? Computer Fundamentals shares the understanding of basic computer hardware and software components as well as their specific functionality.

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ABCya - Blast Off! Numerical Order  Links to an external site.(After School Resource)

Practice mouse skills with this fun computer activity. Practice number sequences by arranging numbers in order.

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ABCya - Make A Pizza  Links to an external site.(After School Resource)

Practice valuable mouse manipulation techniques while clicking and dragging different toppings to make a pizza!

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Let's Go Learn - Bubbles Links to an external site.

Practice how to use a mouse or touch screen device by popping bubbles!

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ABCya - Find the Technology Links to an external site.(After School Resource)

Learn about all-things-tech! The "review" element of the game guides you through a tutorial of various technological tools. The "search" encourages you to locate - and then define - various objects scattered in a room. Pay attention to where you click when finding the technology... you may uncover some surprises!

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Parts of a Computer

Learn the parts that make up a computer system!

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Scratch Garden - What are Computers for Kids

What ARE computers and how do they work? Puppet Topher meets his friend Ulka, a computer programmer, who explains to kids how computers work.


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