Grades 9-12 - Computational Thinking & Coding Basics


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What is Computational Thinking & Coding Basics? Computational Thinking & Coding Basics is the creation of an algorithm, or series of steps, that a person or computer can use to perform a task or solve a problem. It is an approach to problem-solving that involves critical thinking, creativity, and innovation, as well as digital skills to execute the algorithm.

9-12 Bullet Point.png - Course E Links to an external site.

Start coding with algorithms, events, loops, conditionals, and functions! By the end of this course, design and create a game or drawing that you can share with your friends and family. A review of Course C & D is included.

9-12 Bullet Point.png - Course F Links to an external site.

Learn to code with sprites and variables, and discuss societal impacts of computing and the internet. By the end of this course, design and create a project you can share with friends and family. A review of Course D & E is included.

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Vidcode - Create a Filter Links to an external site.

Create a cool filter for a video by using JavaScript functions. Learn the syntax of calling a function, and how to change its arguments to get different effects.

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Vidcode - Make a Meme Links to an external site.

Learn how to make your own meme - with code! Who needs a regular meme maker? You're going to add a graphic and a caption to your project to make it into a meme.

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Vidcode - Slide Show Links to an external site.

A slide show is a set of pictures that get shown in a certain order. You're probably used to using  PowerPoint, but learn how to make a slide show with code!

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GCFGlobal - Basic HTML Links to an external site.

Learn the basics of HTML, a computer language for building webpages. This interactive website shows you how to write HTML, create your own webpages, and more. 

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GCFGlobal - Basic CSS Links to an external site.

Learn the basics of CSS, a computer language for styling webpages. This interactive website shows you how to write CSS, incorporate it into your own webpages, and more.

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Tynker - Code Links to an external site.

Tynker is a creative computing platform where millions of kids have learned to program and build games, apps and more. Tynker offers self-paced online courses for children to learn coding at home.

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Khan Academy - Computer Programming Links to an external site.

Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empowers learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. This link provides specific practice computer programming.


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