Grades 6-8 - Computer Fundamentals


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What is Computer Fundamentals? Computer Fundamentals shares the understanding of basic computer hardware and software components as well as their specific functionality.

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GCFGlobal - Basic Computer Skills Links to an external site.

Looking to learn basic computer skills or upgrade the skills you already have? Check out GCF Global's website to read and interact with Basic Computer Skills.

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ABCya - Find the Tech  Links to an external site.(After School Resource)

Find the Technology is a fun game to learn about all-things-tech! Pay attention to where you click when finding the technology... you may uncover some surprises!

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GCFGlobal - Techy Savvy Tips & Tricks (Take Screenshots, Find Downloads, How to Print, Work with Zip Files, & More) Links to an external site.

Get tips and tricks from these interactive tutorials on how to use your devices as efficiently as possible.

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GCFGlobal - Understanding Operating Systems Links to an external site.

In this interactive tutorial, get a better understanding of operating systems and how they function. 

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GCFGlobal - Understanding Applications Links to an external site.

Check out this interactive tutorial to get a better understanding of applications and how they work. 

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BBC - Input and Output Devices Links to an external site.

Check out this interactive tutorial on how computers only work with digital information and how any input that a computer receives must be digitized.


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