Grades 3-5 - Word Processing


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What is Word Processing? Word Processing programs like Microsoft Word and Google Docs, are invaluable tools for doing assignments, writing essays, and improving the quality of documents using word processing skills.

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DigitalLearn - Microsoft Word Links to an external site.

Learn how to create, format, and save a document in Microsoft Word.

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GCFGlobal - Word Basics Links to an external site.

Learn how to Get Started with Word Links to an external site., Understand OneDrive Links to an external site., Create and Open Documents Links to an external site., and Save and Share Documents. Links to an external site.

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GCFGlobal - Working with Text Links to an external site.

Learn about Text Basics Links to an external site., Formatting Text Links to an external site., Using Find and Replace Links to an external site., Indents and Tabs Links to an external site., Line and Paragraph Spacing Links to an external site., Lists Links to an external site., and Links Links to an external site..

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GCFGlobal - Checking Spelling and Grammar Links to an external site.

Learn how to use the review features available in Word.

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GCFGlobal - Word Quiz Links to an external site.

Test your knowledge of Word by taking this quiz.

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SIC Ed - Microsoft Word Basics for Kids

Watch this video to use and understand Microsoft Word!

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Technology for Teachers and Students - Beginner's Guide to Microsoft Office

Learn the basics of Microsoft Office in these short video tutorials. 

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GCFGlobal - Tech Savvy Tips & Tricks (Keyboard Shortcuts) Links to an external site.

Learn from this interactive tutorial how these keyboard shortcuts can help you get your work done more efficiently. 

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BBC - How Can You Write A Story on A Computer? Links to an external site.

Check out this interactive tutorial on how to type a story using word processing software.


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