Grades 3-5 - Intro to Spreadsheets & Databases


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What is Intro to Spreadsheets & Databases? Computers can store and organize information so that it can be searched. Use software like Excel and Google Sheets to input and display data in a spreadsheet.

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BBC - What is a Database? Links to an external site.

A database is a computerized system that makes it easy to search, select and store information. Learn more from this interactive website about how databases are used in many different places.

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W3 Schools - Excel Exercises Links to an external site.

Test out your Excel skills.

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GCFGlobal - Excel Links to an external site.

Learn how to create formulas and charts, use functions, format cells, and do more with your spreadsheets.

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GCFGlobal - Excel Basics Links to an external site.

Learn about Getting Started with Excel Links to an external site., Understanding OneDrive Links to an external site., Creating and Opening Workbooks Links to an external site., Saving and Sharing Workbooks Links to an external site.

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GCFGlobal - Excel Quiz

Test your knowledge of Excel by taking this quiz.

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Computer Applications Technology - Introduction to Excel

Learn about Excel in this quick tutorial.

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Spreadsheet Center - Excel Exercises (Exercises 1 - 4 ONLY) Links to an external site.

Practice Excel formulas with this online tutorial.



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