Grades 3-5 - Computer Fundamentals
What is Computer Fundamentals? Computer Fundamentals shares the understanding of basic computer hardware and software components as well as their specific functionality. |
GCFGlobal - Basic Parts of a Computer Watch this video to learn about the basic parts of a computer. |
ABCya - Find the Technology (After School Resource) Learn about all-things-tech! The "review" element of the game guides you through a tutorial of various technological tools. The "search" encourages you to locate - and then define - various objects scattered in a room. Pay attention to where you click when finding the technology... you may uncover some surprises! |
Get tips and tricks from these interactive tutorials on how to use your devices as efficiently as possible. |
BBC - Input and Output Devices Links to an external site. Check out this interactive tutorial on how computers only work with digital information and how any input that a computer receives must be digitised. |
GCFGlobal - Mouse Tutorial Links to an external site. Use this interactive tutorial to build your computer mouse skills by playing a series of mini-games. |