Grades 9-12 - Computer Fundamentals


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What is Computer Fundamentals? Computer Fundamentals shares the understanding of basic computer hardware and software components as well as their specific functionality.

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GCFGlobal - Techy Savvy Tips & Tricks (Take Screenshots, Find Downloads, How to Print, Work with Zip Files, & More) Links to an external site.

Get tips and tricks from these interactive tutorials on how to use your devices as efficiently as possible.

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GCFGlobal - Computer Basics Links to an external site.

With this interactive tutorial, you’ll learn more about the types of computers and operating systems in use today. You'll also gain a better understanding of the basic parts of a computer, how applications are used, connecting to the Internet, and more.

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GCFGlobal - Computer Basics YouTube Playlist Links to an external site.

With this playlist, learn about everything you need to know about Computer Fundamentals. 

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DigitalLearn - What is a Computer? Links to an external site.

In this video tutorial, learn an overview of the different types of computers and the parts of a desktop computer.

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GCFGlobal - Understanding Operating Systems Links to an external site.

In this interactive tutorial, get a better understanding of operating systems and how they function. 

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GCFGlobal - Understanding Applications Links to an external site.

Check out this interactive tutorial to get a better understanding of applications and how they work. 


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