Grades 6-8 - Keyboarding


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What is Keyboarding? Keyboarding focuses on parts of the keyboard, correct hand positioning, and letter location. 

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GCF Global - Typing Tutorial Links to an external site.

Learn and practice your typing skills with this game. 

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ABCya - Keyboard Challenge  Links to an external site.(After School Resource)

Imagine that your keyboard fell apart and you have to put it back together! In this game, choose from 6 fun keyboard patterns and then click and drag the keys to their correct places on the keyboard. 

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TypeTastic Links to an external site.

Discover 700+ typing activities for all grade levels and unleash the joy of typing.

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Typing Club Links to an external site.

Typing Club is a free, web based, highly effective way to learn how to type. Keep practicing each lesson until you get all five stars. It really doesn't take much to learn, a few minutes a day for one to two weeks and you will be a pro!


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