Grades 3-5 - Online Safety


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What is Online Safety & Digital Citizenship?

Online Safety & Digital Citizenship teaches kids the fundamentals of digital citizenship and safety so they can explore the online world with confidence.


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NetSmartzKids - Bad Netiquette Stinks

Potty-Mouth Pete is trying to spread bad netiquette all over the Internet. Can Clicky, Webster, and Nettie stop him before it’s too late?

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Common Sense Education (Digital Passport) - Password Protect Links to an external site.

Learn what components make a password secure and identify ways to create a memorable but secure password.

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NetSafe - Cyber Bullies are No Fun

Watch this short video about how cyber-bullying goes beyond just bullying because it can follow you home via text messages, web sites, and more. This video will share how to put a stop to cyber-bullying.

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FBI - Safe Online Surfing Links to an external site.

Select your grade to complete all 6 levels of this game as you learn more about safe online surfing.



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