Grades 3-5 - Hardware

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What is Hardware? Hardware is about basic parts of a computer.

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GCFGlobal - Buttons and Ports on a Computer Links to an external site.

Learn from this interactive tutorial about the various ports and buttons on a computer.

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GCFGlobal - Inside a Computer Links to an external site.

In this interactive tutorial, learn more about what is actually inside a computer (the brains of the computer).

3-5 Bullet Point.png - Hardware & Software

Watch this video to learn the concepts behind hardware and software. 

3-5 Bullet Point.png - Computer Basics: Inside a Computer

Watch this video and take a look inside a laptop and desktop computer and see the main components.

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Together Learning - What does what in your computer?

Check out this video to learn about all the computer parts in your computer and what they do. 


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